About Me

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I was born in India and raised in The Netherlands. My student and work experiences took me to London, UK, various parts of The Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland.

I am passionate about public health - and initially worked in roles that helped organisations bring medicines to market more efficiently. Then, I branched into management consulting and working with start-ups to expand my capabilities beyond life-sciences.

I found it challenging to show up as my authentic self and stick to my values in a corporate setting. Former employers helped me discover myself, optimise my capabilities and use coaching as a tool for self-efficacy and work-life balance. I immersed myself into coaching to learn about what holds me back, and help others do the same. 

If I am not working, you will find me exploring the city, catching up with friends, digging deep into new topics and being over-indulgent with my family. Always planning my next meal and looking out for which cuisine to try next - and not to mention that I am slightly addicted to social media, and Spotify!

Partnerships and collaboration

I like meeting new people, generating ideas and expanding my network. If you would like to collaborate on a project or co-host a workshop / coaching session - say hello!